
My experience with hosting: I hosted an Italian friend during one week in October. Michela is a nice, friendly and easy going girl. I had no problem about talking with her about anything. Although we had an accident one night when we were going home by train, we came back home safe and sound and I believe Michela enjoyed those few days in Czech Republic and gained lot of experience and memories as much as I did. My experience as a guest: I have spent one week with Michela’s family and it was an interesting experience as for habits, daily rutines, a totally different life from what I am used to. Michela’s family was generous and very caring. I have also learnt little bit of italian so when I visit Italy again, I know I am more prepared. I have visited many beautiful and gorgeous monuments which I would like to see again one day.
https://pin.it/4j7opzu5c5h6wy My dream map
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With Roser
Koefia Academia, fashion academy